“Karen’s Notes!
Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady”
Selected Notes
Volume 4 Number 40 “Worship and Serving with Christ in View”
October 06, 2021
Recently I was speaking with one of my adult children. She was speaking of her mother and told me how much she misses her mom. I listened and saw the tears and shed a few of my own. After a moment I shared with her how much her mom loved her and each of her brothers and sisters. I shared how much I miss her as well.
As the conversation continued, this adult child reminisced about her mother’s method of discipline once she grew beyond being a toddler. I smiled a little because I already knew what she was going to say. But I let her say it anyway. “Dad! At the time it made me angry but quickly brought about conviction. Mom would walk with me to my room. She’d sit on my bed beside me and open my Bible to a specific place and very quietly and calmly tell me to read the passage out loud. She then with calmness in her voice called me by name and told me that her entire goal for me was that I would grow up to serve the Lord and keep Him in view as I worshipped. I never have forgotten that and now that is how I want to raise my children,” she said.
Not long after this conversation, I was reading through Karen’s Workshop and Retreat notes. I found something that she wrote about service that goes right along with the conversation with my daughter.
Karen wrote out this verse: “Serve the Lord with gladness” (Psalm 100:2).
Karen wrote: As I serve, I want there to be a sweetness and sensitivity for others. I want my life to count for Christ. Remember, we serve because of His love for us, not for man’s applause. Oh, that He would be pleased with our service.
Michael’s observation: What sweet and powerful reminders. Obviously, I am a man and most assuredly was not in attendance at the ladies’ retreat! But these words are good for me. How about you? By the way, rather than raising our voices, if we quietly and calmly require our children or grandchildren to read God’s Word out loud, it will be amazing what the Holy Spirit will do with His Word.