“Karen’s Notes!
Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady”
Selected Notes
Volume 5 Number 9 “Karen’s Statement of Declaration”
March 2nd, 2022
This is very unusual.
But I think it is a real blessing.
I have no idea where she was going to use this or even if she did use it in any of her ladies’ conferences. Over ten years ago I was preaching through the book of 2 Timothy and had arrived at the section of being a good soldier. Paul told Timothy, “My son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 2:3).
Karen took notes of those messages in the small notebook she always carried in her Bible cover. Then she wrote this very personal note to herself. I know her well enough that I know she would give me permission to share this with you.
She called it “My Statement of Declaration.”
Karen wrote: Knowing we are in a strong spiritual battle, I will therefore:
1. Read and respect God’s Word daily.
2. Rebuke wrong thinking and actions in my life.
3. Resist any temptation to quit, compromise, or give up.
4. Remove any idol or distraction which could defeat me.
5. Remember the worthiness of my God.
Michael’s observation: For me to hold her handwritten notes is a tender blessing. I smile at my wife and her alliteration. She blamed it on living with me so long. Seriously though friends, when you think of the spiritual battle that is raging around us, these personal declarations in her statement are very timely and needed today. At least they are needed in my life. How about your life?