“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1).
“I just don’t know what I should do,” she said to her husband that night. “I have always enjoyed my friendship with her over the years. And it would be so good for our kids to be able to have fun times playing with them. But today was horrible. Honey, she absolutely has no control over her children. She has given up, and they are all under ten. I don’t want our children to think that kind of behavior is all right.” It was a painful conversation. Their best friends were dear people but poor in parenting. In their state of permissiveness, they tolerated their children’s disrespect and disobedience. Because of this, they were on the verge of losing something much more important than their friendship; they were on the verge of losing their children!
For today: Parenting is not easy. It never has been. Be your children’s parent. You can be their friend later in life!