“But they that wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).
Isaiah proclaimed to the ancient people as well as to us that it is very important and beneficial to wait on the Lord. The question is, what does it mean to “wait” on the Lord?
The Hebrew word for wait used in this text is qavah (ka-VA) which means to “look eagerly for, to bind together.” Isaiah is actually reminding us that when we are totally surrendered to the Lord, seeking His direction, looking diligently at His Word and putting into application what He is teaching us, great blessings and strength will result.
This reminds me of a conversation Lanae had with her pastor. “I don’t know how I would have come through the events of the past three months without the Lord’s tremendous help. If this had happened to me two years ago, I would have been a mess. While my heart has been broken, I can tell you, Pastor, that waiting on the Lord has been a great source of help and comfort to me. I am not living under my circumstances. The Lord is helping me, little by little, to mount up and soar spiritually.”
Wow! That was quite a statement. How is it with you? What circumstances do you face in your life today? If you know Christ and are committed to waiting upon Him and all that involves, it will be amazing to watch how the Lord will work to bring you through.
Here is my great desire for each of us today: May the Lord help us to soar as we trust, obey, and seek Him.