And it came to pass!
That special little phrase literally pictures an event coming into existence, a situation taking place or even something which appears on the stage. This phrase is found well over 400 hundred times in the King James Version of the Bible. We’re thinking just of a couple of times that phrase appears surrounding the coming of the Lord Jesus to this world.
Yesterday we thought of Zacharias being interrupted in his precious ministry of burning incense in the temple. The Angel of the Lord announced to him that he and Elisabeth would become the parents of a boy who would be named John. This boy would grow into a man who would be mightily used of the Lord to prepare the way for Christ Jesus (Luke 1:13-16). Now think of that phrase And it came to pass.
“And it came to pass that as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house” (Luke 1:23). Though he would not be able to speak until after the birth of his boy, there still must have been wonder, amazement, excitement and almost bewilderment for this dear couple. They were childless. All those childbearing years had come and gone, and there were no sounds of a child in their home or in their arms. The disappointment was great. Now everything was going to change.
I can’t help but think of a couple of lessons that strike me. First, righteous people have disappointments. Second, God’s plan is not the same for each of His people. I know some folks who very much want a child and can’t have one, while others have a house that is filled with children. Third, sometimes the Lord sends the unexpected into our lives and the entire direction of our lives turns. Fourth, we always need to trust the Lord’s plan for us even when we don’t understand. And always be open to God’s amazing And it came to pass.