“Karen’s Notes!
Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady”
Selected Notes
Volume 8 Number 7, “One Night in Our Family Worship Time”
Post # 355 February 12th, 2025
You know that Karen held such a personal conviction that her public speaking engagements were ONLY for ladies. But men, I want to tell you that this is so good for us as well. I’m not sure where this seminar took place; however, she was speaking to the ladies about making their Bible reading and prayer time more meaningful.
Let me explain the picture that Karen loved and how she encouraged it at times in various retreats and seminars. We had enough furniture for each of our children to have a place to sit. But the interesting thing is that when we gathered for family worship times in the evening, often our children would want to sit on the floor next to Karen’s feet. I can still see the faces of our young children as they would try to stretch their arm up to their mother’s knee and sit quietly at her feet. More than once I saw them look up and smile at their mom during family worship.
Later in the evening, Karen and I would worship together as a couple. She often would mention to the Lord that “just as (child’s name) sat at my feet tonight in devotions, now my Michael and I come to you, Lord, to sit at your feet…” Sitting at the feet of the Lord Jesus is a beautiful picture indeed.
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).
Karen wrote: We need nourishment. We are nourished spiritually by spending time in the Word of God. This time of studying is NOT an obligation. Picture this. It is like sitting at His feet. When you do this, you will be learning about Who He is, what He desires, what He hates, and how He responds. Nourish yourself in God’s Word. But also remember it is not only food for us. The Scriptures provide wonderful water that we need as well. As you picture yourself at His feet, listen to Him through what you are reading and share with Him in prayer. If you know the Lord as your Savior, take time for Him to build a wonderful relationship. What wonderful times of nourishment and refreshment we find as we sit at His feet.
As I send you on your way today: Karen often thanked the Lord for allowing us to sit at His feet. Try this. When you have your Bible reading and prayer time today, don’t rush through it thinking of everything that lies ahead in your day. Slow down. Sit down. Picture that you are sitting at His feet where you not only get to listen to Him through the Word but you can talk with Him in your prayer time. What a wonderful place to be, sitting at His feet.