“Ye call Me Master and Lord and ye say well; for so I am” (John 13:13).
I often reminded church families of this blessed truth. You see, when we settle the question of Who the Lord Jesus is, we can better understand who we are.
He is the Master and Lord. We are not.
He is in charge. We are not.
He controls the universe. We do not.
He is worthy of devotion and obedience. We are privileged to walk with Him. What a difference this blessed truth makes in every situation of life. The older I grow, the more I discover every day how very true it is. He is in charge. I am not. I am so glad this is true.
For today: I’ll trust the One Who dangles the galaxies on His fingertips and Who orders the affairs of His creation. What joy to know that this is the One Who whispers through the pages of Scriptures, “I love you.”