When I come to this verse in the Scriptures, I pause and try to imagine what it must have been like that day. Let me share the verse and then a couple of thoughts with you.
“And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark” (Genesis 7:1).
Yes, I do absolutely, positively believe in the literal ark, the literal Noah, and the literal worldwide catastrophic flood.
The day finally arrived that Noah knew was coming. No one else around him believed that the flood was coming, other than his wife, his three sons and his three daughters-in-law. None of his friends believed. Even the others he possibly had hired to help work on the ark didn’t believe. Even the families of his daughters-in-law didn’t believe it.
But Noah believed it.
The day that God warned about arrived. The promised flood would very soon break out on the world. You know, as were the times of Noah so we also live in a time of many skeptics and scoffers. How often have you been laughed at when warning others of the coming judgment of God? I cannot begin to imagine how Noah felt when he was covered in safety in the ark. I am so glad to be in Christ, my Heavenly Ark of safety and blessing.
So for today my friends: Keep working and warning. The day is coming when we, by sight, will be glad that we walked by faith and believed Him.