“Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it” (Psalm 127:1).
Whether you are single and wishing to be married or married and wishing to be single, the Lord wants to build your home and family. I am convinced that His Word is timeless, and His design for marriage is still effective. If ever Satan has launched a full force attack on the American home, marriage, and family, it is now. I never imagined I would see such a deterioration of the American home in my lifetime.
I seldom advertise in my Daily Prescriptions, but I need your help today. I have devoted the remaining time God gives me to reaching people with the gospel. I’m especially concerned for families and want to reach them. One of the books I’ve written is designed for marriages. It’s called “Pardon the Dust—Our Marriage is Under Construction.” I’d like to invite you to order it, read it, and decide if it is something you would like to order for your pastor, your children, or even your grandchildren. All sales proceeds go 100% to Baptist Church Planters. Go to www.michaelpeck.org and click the picture of the book and it will take you to the BCP store. Or you may order it by phoning (440) 748-1677.
For today: I am glad to be watching the Lord build the house! How about you?