“Karen’s Notes!
Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady”
Selected Notes
Volume 8 Number 9 “What an Awesome God of Power!””
Post # 357 February 26th, 2025
I held in my hands Karen’s handwritten notes for her next speaking engagement. Sometimes at the top of the notes she would write where the ladies’ event was to be held, along with the times she would be speaking and even directions on how to find the church (yes, this was before GPS). This particular event had no such notes. Apparently the church was well known to her and she didn’t need those directions. So, while I don’t know where this took place, it is in the files of the 1990’s. She was speaking to the ladies about remembering to focus on the awesome power of our great God. Let me share the few thoughts she wrote concerning this wonderful verse of Scripture.
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37).
A brief part of Karen’s Notes: “DON’T FORGET!! Nothing shall be impossible with God. There is absolute power with our great God. He is omnipotent. He has all power over all things and all beings that exist – past, present and future.
1. He spoke and creation came into existence from nothing (Genesis 1:1-27).
2. He spoke and the tempest was stilled (Mark 4:36-39).
3. He spoke and Lazarus was raised from the dead (John 11:43-44).
4. He spoke and the man sick of the palsy was healed and forgiven (Matthew 9:1-7).
Our God is omnipotent.”
Here’s what I’m thinking: Karen spoke much more about our all-powerful God in this ladies’ event. She really wanted them to remember that the same Lord Who spoke creation into existence, Who stilled the tempest, raised the dead, and forgives sin is the same Lord that we can know, trust, and love today. Whatever your situation, He is still the same, wonderful, awesome, omnipotent God.
Next week I will bring us back to this seminar and, based on the truth of our God’s omnipotence, I will share with you how Karen concluded this event. She asked the question, “What does the knowledge of God’s power mean to me as one of His children?” She answered it with seven precious things.