“Karen’s Notes!
Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady”
Selected Notes
Volume 8 Number 10 “A Child of the All-Powerful Lord!””
Post # 358 March 5th, 2025
Last week I shared with you just a portion of a paragraph from a ladies’ event in which Karen was speaking about the power of our great God. She listed many of the challenges that people face in everyday living. These challenges range from minor nuisances to disappointments all the way to major heartaches. Everyone faces a wide range of experiences that can capture our attention to the point that we lose sight of the Lord and His awesome power.
While never living in denial and pretending that all is well when it isn’t, the believer is not designed to live “under these circumstances!” We acknowledge our difficulties. We’re honest with ourselves and others when troubles come. But our troubles must not become our sole focus.
Karen became a very busy ladies’ event speaker because she always spoke from her own experience and what the Lord was teaching her. She shared such practical encouragements of what the Lord was doing in her own life. She spoke of the Lord’s great power and what it means to us today.
“For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37).
Just a tiny bit of what Karen wrote in her notes: “God is omnipotent. He has all power. Don’t forget, nothing is impossible for Him. So what does the knowledge of God’s power mean to me as one of His children?”
Michael’s interruption: If this was one of her earlier times of public speaking, the notes would be extensive. The more she spoke to ladies’ groups, the fewer notes she took with her. This event was really powerful, and the Lord greatly blessed. But you can see by her notes, she didn’t write out word for word extensively.
Karen continued: “As one of His children, because I know that my God is all powerful, here are a few things I possess.
Peace; a sense of calmness
Excitement about eternity ahead
Expectation that the Lord will answer my prayers according to His will
A closing note from Michael: Men and ladies, what are you facing today? How will the promise given to Mary by Gabriel, “For with God nothing shall be impossible,” work out in your life today? What a wonderful privilege you and I have as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are greatly blessed by being a child of the all-powerful Lord indeed!