Take a peek over my shoulder and read with me what I wrote today in my spiritual journey notebook.
Well, I finished reading the last few chapters of the book of Judges today. It seems to me that the very last verse of the very last chapter summarizes the hundreds of years which the judges reigned. It says:
“In those days there was no king in Israel: Every man did that which was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25).
Every man. It was a wide population
Did what was right in his own eyes. It was a wicked and wild population.
I know this for sure.
The heart is wicked.
The heart is desperately wicked.
How I need the Lord Jesus and His Word to be in charge of my life.
Be the LORD of my life, dear Lord Jesus, please!
That’s what I wrote to myself first and foremost, and now I quietly but sincerely share it with you. How will this little entry in my spiritual journey play out in your own life today?