“And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist” (Colossians 1:17).
Jeff was holding his little boy on his lap, just before bedtime. Little three years old Matthew was having a hard time settling down and getting ready for bed. Something that had taken place earlier in the day apparently left him frightened at bedtime. He did not want to go to his room. He did not want to get into his bed. He did not want to leave his daddy’s lap! “But Daddy,” Matt said pleadingly, “I don’t want to go to my room. I’m scared!” After reassuring his little boy that Mommy and Daddy were in the house, and that his big brothers and sisters were in the house, and best of all, the Lord Jesus would watch over him, Matthew was on his way to bed. Daddy sat on his bedside and assured him of just how big and strong the Lord Jesus really is. On his way down from Matthew’s bedroom, Jeff prayed quietly that the Lord would settle his little boy down and help him to rest well. As his prayer continued, he said, “And Lord, the very same advice I gave my young boy I need to take for myself. You know how I have been fretting and fearful because of the situation at work. Thank you for the awesome place You hold and the incredible things that You can do. You hold everything together and You are in control. Help my little boy and me to trust you.”
For today: If the Lord can hold the galaxies in place, He can surely take care of you and me. Let’s trust Him!