“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105).
Many years ago when I was the senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Marilla, New York, I headed home after a late night of counseling and studying. I decided to take a shortcut home through the church auditorium and out the door nearest to the parsonage. Rather than turn on any lights, I started down the center aisle, tapping the pews and counting them as I went by. I thought surely I knew how many rows of pews were located in that auditorium. Was I in for a surprise! There in the dark I thought I came to the last of the pews. Thus I made a sharp right turn only to discover that there was one more row of pews! Over the back of the pew, down onto the cushion and onto the floor I flew! For a few moments I was stunned, couldn’t catch my breath, and didn’t know what had happened to me. Suddenly I burst out laughing and said to the Lord, “I guess I should have either turned on the lights or double checked my counting, Lord!” You see, friends, if I had turned on the light I would have easily seen that row of pews in the church. Come to think of it, this is the exact same way in life. We may well think that we know exactly the right way to go. But God’s Word will function as a light that will direct our steps. We really need the Lord and the light of His Word.
For today: Have you spent time in the Word? Don’t stumble in the darkness. Read God’s Word!