“She was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privately” (Matthew 1:18-19).
It must have been the worst day of his life! Joseph loved his Mary. She had been promised to him and no doubt he looked forward with great anticipation to their marriage and life together as husband and wife. Perhaps many times Joseph dreamed of that wonderful day when he would hold Mary in his arms and they would become husband-and-wife. Now it was the worst day of his life. Mary was found with child. Joseph thought the worst! What would any fiancé think? There is a great lesson in this for us today. Sometimes we need to slow down and give God the opportunity and time to work in our situation and show us His plan. What can appear to be the very worst thing in the entire world sometimes is God’s appointment for His good and our blessing. It is very true that at times our greatest disappointment is actually God’s greatest appointment, if we give Him time to work it out.
For today: God has a plan. Don’t run ahead of Him. Don’t lag behind Him. Watch what God is going to do.