“He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? Go and see. And when they knew, they say, five, and two fishes. And He commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass. And when He had taken the five loaves and the two fishes He looked up to Heaven and blessed, and break the loaves, and gave them to the disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided He among them all” (Mark 6:38-41).
Emma thought back to the many summer vacations that she and her family had enjoyed. The highlight of every vacation had been to spend some time with her grandparents on their farm. Grandpa and Grandma loved the Lord Jesus and always took advantage of the opportunities to talk with Emma about the Lord. Grandpa often would talk about the way the Lord provided for them. Then with a slight smile he would remind Emma that even though the Lord promised to provide for them, the Lord still expected him to get up and get to the fields early in the morning. He opened his Bible one day to Mark chapter six. “See, right here, Sweetie,” Grandpa said. “The Lord asked the disciples how much food they had. Then He told them to go and see. They had to do the counting. That was their part,” Grandpa pointed out. He continued by saying, “Then the Lord did His part by making that little lunch stretch miraculously. Emma, my precious Emma, be sure to obey the Lord and then watch Him do His part. You’ll never regret it.” Emma is an adult now with children of her own. She has never forgotten that little bit of advice, and she loves to pass it along to her children. I think it sounds like pretty good advice for us as well.
For today: Are you doing your part so that you can watch the Lord do His part?