“It is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all Thy works” (Psalm 73:28).
Psalm 73 is one of my favorite Psalms. It has blessed my life over and over again. What a great challenge Asaph communicates to us as he encourages us to draw near to God, trusting Him and declaring all of His wonderful works. At the invitation of his supervisor, Don and his wife Susie attended the evening service with Mike and his family. One of the Christian colleges presented a great concert, and at the conclusion the professor that was accompanying the group gave a brief devotional with a great challenge. That night the Holy Spirit convicted Don and Susie, and they both accepted the invitation to respond to receive Christ as their personal Savior. It felt like a heavy load of sin was lifted from their shoulders on their way home that night. They were so excited about their new life in Christ that they started sharing the wonderful news with all of their friends. You probably are not surprised that some of their friends were not as enthused or excited as they were. In fact, Don and Susie were ridiculed and called names such as “fanatics” and “religious weirdoes.” Wisely Don said to his hurting wife, “You and I are just starting out with the Lord, Honey. I want to remain friendly with our old friends, but you and I just really need to draw close to the Lord.” What great advice he gave his wife, and come to think of it, good advice for us today as well!
For today: I want to draw closer to the Lord. How about you?