“And in that day shall you say, Praise the Lord, call upon His name, declare His doings among the people, make mention that His name is exalted” (Isaiah 12:4).
One of the great Old Testament prophets, Isaiah, faithfully proclaimed the Word of the Lord. He warned God’s people of the consequences of their sin and their turning away from the Lord. He also told them of the great coming blessings when the Lord will rule and reign upon the earth. What a great day that will be when the Lord Jesus sets up his millennial reign and this verse will be wonderfully fulfilled! Richard, or as his friends would call him, Dick, was the only one in his family who knew the Lord as his Savior. His friends at church encouraged Dick to be an instrument of praise and to declare among his family the great doings of the Lord. Richard took to heart this encouragement and started to put it into practice. Before long his sister came to faith. Then it was his dad. Then his mother and both brothers came to faith. While it does not always work out this way, it surely did for Richard. He was grateful for the opportunity of declaring among his own family the wonderful doings of the Lord. How about you? To whom will you declare the wonderful doings of the Lord?
For today: The Lord is doing great things. I need to be telling others about this!