“For we are laborers together with God” (1 Corinthians 3:9).
Charlie was a middle-aged man who grew up on his parents’ crop farm. He never left it. After his dad became too old to work the fields, it became a dilemma to Charlie as to what to do with the farm. It was too small to hire more help and just a little too big to run by himself. This would be the second crop harvesting season that Charlie tried to manage the farm by himself. It simply wasn’t working. Craig and Martha retired early from their work. God had blessed them greatly, and they simply no longer needed their salaries. Now they desired to move closer to their only daughter, son-in-law and four grandchildren. They fell in love with the modest house right across the highway from Charlie’s farm. How they enjoyed being with their family every day. But now it was time for the grandkids to go back to school. “Honey, I’ve got to find something more to do. The pastor doesn’t have anything for me to do right now. I think I will walk across the way and meet our farmer neighbor,” Craig told his wife. “You– offering to help that farmer!” Martha said in between laughing nearly hysterically. “You’ve invested much of your life in an office on the eighth floor!” she said. “You are probably right, but I just seem to sense the Lord nudging me to go meet him. Anyway, we have called this stretch our new mission field. Now, if you will excuse me, your missionary husband is heading out!” Craig exclaimed. Inside the barn, Charlie threw the wrench on the floor and shouted, “I just can’t do this any longer. I quit!” Check back tomorrow for their meeting.
For today: You never know what the Lord may unfold all around you. Be sensitive to His leading.