For we are laborers together with God” (1 Corinthians 3:9).
Well, Craig Bower, the early retired accountant from the executive wing didn’t start the day off too well on Charlie Patterson’s farm. Though Charlie gave him the basics in “Tractor Driving 101,” Craig still managed to hit the barn door and knock it off track the first time he pulled the large tractor out. The men managed to get the door back on the long track, and it was decided that Craig would ride along with Charlie for the first hour or so. “Craig, you don’t know how glad I am that you moved next door. You can see that this farm is too big for me to work alone, but it is too small for me to hire someone. You said that you would work for a cup of coffee once in a while and that I can handle,” Charlie said. “Just before you walked in my barn yesterday, I was so frustrated that I threw the wrench half way across the barn!” Charlie told him as he looked straight ahead. “I never thought some city fellow would walk into my barn and ask for a job for a cup of coffee,” Charlie said slowly as he turned to look at Craig. It’s going to be nice having someone to work with me once in a while,” Charlie continued. As Craig would discover, Charlie would be a talker. Charlie talked on about the farm, but Craig thought about Charlie’s statement, “It’s going to be nice having someone to work with me once in a while.” As he rode along in the cab of the tractor, he half listened to Charlie’s chatter, but he also thought of Paul and his missionary team. He remembered the Apostle talking about how God had put him and the Corinthians in partnership with the Lord. “Are you ready to try that tractor, Craig?” Charlie asked. With that he was brought back to the present. However, his thoughts would be back to Paul’s statement later that morning. More about this tomorrow.
For today: Be thankful for the wonderful partnership you have with the Lord. Don’t you wish everyone did?