“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).
From yesterday you’ll remember Mackie, short for Mackenzie. She was a ninth grader in the Christian school in her area. Mackie was only six when the police came to her house and discovered that she and her younger brother were dirty, hungry, and in a desperate situation. Now Mackie and her brother have a new family that adopted them. In Bible class one morning, the teacher and students were discussing Romans 8:38-39. Mackie raised her hand and quietly said, “I really wonder how many in this class understand what it is like to know that nothing can separate them from God’s love. I think I am ready to tell my story, Mr. Langdon.” The class grew silent as she continued. “You are very blessed to have a mom and dad who love you and who want you. When you talk about your parents loving you, I can’t relate to that, and I wonder how many of you know what a blessing you have! My parents may have loved me, but they didn’t show it to my brother and me. We went hungry every day. The police came to our house and took us away. The best meal I can remember when I was little was in the back of the police car. I don’t know the officer’s name, but he said, ‘We’re going to McDonalds. You can order anything you want!’ My little brother and I had French fries that were hot and burgers that were good. I can still remember it. Then we met Mr. and Mrs. Williamson. They adopted us. I didn’t believe that anyone could love us. I did everything I could think of to make them stop loving us, but they didn’t. Best of all, I have come to know that God loves me in a way that He will never give up on me and will never forsake me. Do you understand how great this is?” The class was silent for many moments as the truth of God’s Word and the testimony of this student impacted them.
For today: How does Romans 8:38-39 impact your life?