“You that fear the Lord, praise Him” (Psalm 22:23).
I am not an original language expert, but I love the study of the individual words in God’s Word. They are rich and powerful. The first precious word in our verse is our English word “fear.” This is the Hebrew word yare which gives the idea of “being terrified, gripped by awe, and overwhelmed with reverence.” The second word is halal which means to “shine forth, make mention of the worthiness of the Lord.” The more we really get to know the Lord, the greater will be our sense of fearing Him. He is our Father. He is the joy of our lives. He is the delight of our souls. We will fear Him with a reverence that is pure and holy. The outflow of this will be a song on our lips and lives that reflect His worthiness. Wow! This will keep me busy and blessed today. How about you?
For today: He is holy. He is awesome. He is God.