“Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles” (Proverbs 21:23).
As a younger pastor he would learn the hard way that some folks cause a lot of trouble by the words they say and the way they say them. Pastor Kenward told his wife, “This is the first time in my life I have ever spoken to anyone this way. The deacons have encouraged, reminded, warned, and even threatened Manny that if he can’t say anything nice, then simply don’t say anything at all. But this was the topper. This took us over the limit. After the morning service he made three of our dear ladies cry by the unnecessary and hurtful things that he said to them.” Never had Allyson seen such fire in her husband. “So what did you say?” Allyson asked. The Pastor burst out laughing, and then cleared his voice and said, “I got up in Manny’s face and explained that we have tried to be kind, helpful, and patient. But today you made three of our dear ladies cry. Manny, if you ever do this again, the deacons, congregation, and I will not allow you to step one foot inside of the church! Do you understand me, Manny Gilbertsen? Your tongue has just gotten you into trouble for the last time. Do you understand me?’” Shocked and gasping, the young pastor’s wife said, “And what did he tell you?” Elijah Kenward responded, “He said that he guessed he probably ought to start thinking before he starts talking!” How about you? Do you know someone that needs to think before speaking?
For today: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer (Psalm 19:14).