“If you then are risen with Christ, seek those things which are above. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:1-2).
Jamie and Shari graduated together from the same college. They became good friends after meeting at a Christian fellowship activity sponsored by one of the local churches in the neighborhood. How exciting it when the same company hired both of them. It was there they met John, who worked in their department. It didn’t take long to discover that John, though employed full-time with a good salary and benefits package, really didn’t have his heart in his work. Several times he was caught sending emails to clients he was trying to serve in the part-time business he was starting. Once on company time he ran a few errands for his part-time business when he was supposed to be at his desk. Jamie and Shari both agreed that as serious as this was, it would be even more serious if they lost track of the fact that because they are risen in Christ, their affection and attention must be on those things that please the Lord. John’s lack of seeking the good of his employer served as a great reminder to them. This is good for us as well.
For today: Seeking those things above ought to be a delight and not drudgery.