“I thought on my way, and turned my feet unto Thy testimonies” (Psalm 119:59).
What a powerful statement! The Psalmist spoke of taking a spiritual inventory of his life. As he reviewed the years of his existence, he was driven to turn to God’s Word, His ways, and His will. There was great tension in the air as Mitchell sat in Pastor Kenward’s office. “Mitchell, I am so glad that you have come today. How may I be of help to you?” the kindly pastor asked. Mitchell looked down and spoke quietly, “I’ve made a mess of my life, Pastor Kenward. Early in my life I started drinking. All my friends were drinking, and I wanted to be cool. It honestly has made a mess of my life. I’ve paid a horrible price because of my drinking. I’ve been arrested twice. I have done things that I know I would never have done if I were sober. Now I’ve lost my job because of my terrible choices. It’s not my parents’ fault. It’s not my girlfriend’s fault. It’s not my friend’s fault. I am in a mess because of my own terrible choices. Is there any hope for me?” With that question, a lengthy and very profitable discipleship program began that helped Mitchell to think on his ways and turn his feet in the direction of God’s Word. How about you? Perhaps you are not in the terrible situation Mitchell faced. However, as you think of your way, it should turn your feet unto His Word!
For today: I want to walk in God’s ways according to His Word. How about you?