“But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:18).
Mark and his wife Betty drove home and chatted about the evening. As the floor supervisor for his department, Mark and his wife just attended the second retirement party in less than two weeks. “Those two retirement parties couldn’t have been any more different from each other, could they, Honey?” Mark asked as he looked at his wife. “Surely couldn’t,” she responded. As they continued driving Mark said, “Ralph was always arrogant. He was more than willing to take credit for things that were not his idea. Wasn’t he arrogant tonight at his retirement party as he touted his accomplishments? On the opposite end of the spectrum, Hank gave such a sweet tribute to his wife, his co-workers, and most of all to the Lord for his success in the company. It makes me think,” Mark continued speaking to his wife, “of the children of Israel. God told them to always remember that He made it possible for them to be successful.” You and I can learn from this. Though we must be diligent in our work, it is ultimately the Lord that enables us to be successful.
For today: John the Baptist had a good perspective. He said, “He must increase, and I must decrease.”