“In Whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who works all thing after the counsel of His own will” (Ephesians 1:11).
Going through the mail one morning, Mark was chatting with his wife Karissa about their plans for the day. To his surprise he came to a little green postal card stating that a registered letter awaited him at the post office. “What’s that all about?” Mark asked as he gently tossed it to his wife. They were surprised to say the least. Taking it to the post office, Mark signed the form and was given a letter addressed to him from an attorney’s office in a city out of state. Quickly opening the envelope, he unfolded the letter which informed him that a person to whom he had shown kindness when he was a teenager had died. She left no survivors, and to his amazement he was now named in her will. Life would soon change rather dramatically for Mark and Karissa. They received an inheritance. Wouldn’t you love to receive a letter like that in the mail? Guess what? You already did! When you placed your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, you were added to the Lord’s family. Already you are named in His will. The day is hastening quickly when you and the rest of the people of God will share in the inheritance of Christ. We are rich spiritually. When it comes to blessings, it is amazing!
For today: Become a more thankful person as you walk along the journey with the Lord today.