“Notwithstanding they would not hear, but hardened their necks, like to the neck of their father, that did not believe in the LORD their God” (2 Kings 17: 14).
Yesterday we wrote of the loving kindness of the Lord that gently draws us to Himself. It is wonderful to realize that our awesome God, though infinitely powerful, uses loving kindness to draw us to Himself. It is frightening to understand that people do not have to respond positively to the Lord. Many of the Old Testament people resisted this precious drawing to Himself. Our verse for today speaks of judgment on Samaria and Israel being carried away. Why did this happen? The answer is because they would not pay attention to what the Lord was trying to say. They hardened their necks. They would not willingly turn from their stubborn ways. It reminds me that many people were praying for Darnella. For years she had made poor decisions. Repeatedly she resisted the Lord even though for a period of time she seemed to walk with Him. Things changed for the worst as she no longer read God’s Word. She resisted going to church even though she heard the church bells every Sunday. She didn’t allow her children to go to Sunday school. Darnella’s family prayed for her, but she wouldn’t listen. Life for her was unusually and unnecessarily difficult because rather than heeding to the Lord, she hardened her heart. I pray that you will not experience the same unnecessary difficulty.
For today: I want to hear and believe what the Lord says. Life is hard enough. I don’t want to make it more difficult by choosing unwisely. How about you?