“For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God” (Psalm 18:21).
I am not sure how early in David’s life these words of testimony were written. Please understand that this doesn’t mean that David lived perfectly. Neither will you nor I live without ever sinning and making mistakes. What a wonderful testimony the king gave as he shared his heart and desires with the people of his kingdom. God was in charge. Keeping the ways of God was the king’s desire. Wickedness was not a good option in the thinking of David. As you make your way along with the Lord today, be sure that you are keeping His ways. Wickedness seems to be always ready in just a moment of weakness when your guard is down. Remember to Whom you belong, and be sure to ask Him to help you to please Him.
For today: The ways of the LORD or the ways of wickedness are our choices today. I know which I want to choose. How about you?