“Wherefore I also…cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers” (Ephesians 1:15-16).
Paul the great Apostle was so thrilled with the wonderful progress of the Ephesian believers. They deeply trusted the Lord Jesus (1:15a) and loved each other (1:15b). Paul was delighted to pray for them and to ask God to continue to do great and mighty things in their lives. Prayer is a wonderful privilege. When you pray for someone, you enter a wonderful partnership with the Lord and that person. What a wonderful way to express your love and concern. Julie spoke to her friend, Tammy. Julie shared her concern about the difficult situation through which Tammy was traveling. As she sat across the table from her friend she told her, “Tammy, I wish there was something I could do to help. All I can do is pray.” Tammy smiled, got up from the table, came around to her longtime friend and hugged her as she said, “Julie! There is nothing greater that you could ever do than pray.” It’s the same with us, dear friends. While there may be something we can tangibly do, there is nothing better that we can actually do than pray.
For today: Take time to pray. Your Father will be pleased, and your friends will be blessed.