Tuesday May 26, 2015 Update and Report
“A Tremendous Opportunity is Ours!”
As you know, Karen is scheduled to have her fourth round of the “big guns” chemotherapy this Friday. This is a major six hour infusion of the maximum treatment that she can take. It is much more pleasant now that she has a port through which the infusion is given. It is still a very long day for her. So thank you for praying that her weight stays up and that she remains healthy.
I shared with you last evening that we have a tremendous opportunity. Karen has become part of a very special research study. No she won’t be trying any experimental drugs. However we know that after the fourth heavy dose of chemotherapy she will have to go on maintenance chemotherapy every twenty-one days. There are two medicines that typically the oncologist would select for this treatment. We know that medication A works effectively. We know that medication B works effectively. But how would medication A and B work if they are combined in option C? This is where the research comes in.
At the conclusion of the fourth round of chemotherapy, the computer will “randomly” select which Karen will receive. Will she receive medication A, B, or the combination of C? There are no placebos. At any time her oncologist can pull her from the study and put her back on big guns if he needs to. There is nothing to risk and everything to gain.
This is what we would like you to pray about this week. We believe in the sovereignty of God and know there is nothing “random” about His will. We would like to ask you to pray that the Lord will guide that computer and that Karen will be in the group of His choosing. Please pray with us about this.
She tires very easily and is especially tired after supper in the evening. We are assured that this is normal and all part of the chemotherapy. We both are leaning heavily on the Lord and so appreciate your prayers.