“For Thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat” (Isaiah 25:4).
These words come from the section of the Book of Isaiah where the prophet of the Lord responds to the Lord’s judgment. He trusts His awesome God even though he cannot begin to fully understand the plan and purpose of God. Isaiah stands firmly upon the revealed truth that not only does this holy God judge sin, He loves needy people who will turn to Him and place their trust in Him. To the poor, this great God supplies abundantly. To the needy in distress He is a refuge from the storm and shade from the heat. Though absolutely awesome in every aspect, this great and mighty God is compassionate and merciful. Isaiah was ever mindful of this. So am I.
For today: Whatever you are facing today, please take it from a friend, it will go better for you if you will turn to the Lord. His mercy is precious and His power is awesome.