“The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him” (Nahum 1:7).
The call came a little after 3:30 in the morning and awakened the couple. The family business had been destroyed by a tornado that had ripped through the neighboring community. It leveled many homes and small businesses in its path. As soon as Ralph and his two sons were able to get through, they stood in the area where they thought their business had once stood. It was hard to tell for sure just where they stood as several neighborhoods were obliterated. Around them was a heap of ruins. Buildings were leveled and strewn in the wake of destruction covering three or four blocks. As daylight came upon them, Ralph and his boys were overwhelmed to see the destruction. Everything was gone. It was a total loss. It was then that Ralph, as the dad and senior partner of the family business, gathered his sons and quoted our verse for today. He led his boys in prayer as he thanked the Lord for being so good. He praised the Lord for being their stronghold in the day of trouble. It was a powerful and moving time of praise and worship that day. How will this verse be applied in your life today?
For today: God is good. He will be good today. He will be good tomorrow. He must be trusted.