“Then came together unto Him the Pharisees, and certain of the Scribes, which came from Jerusalem. And when they saw some of His disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with unwashen hands, they found fault” (Mark 7:1-2).
Don’t you just hate it when the Lord is obviously blessing in breathtaking ways, and then you overhear those little troublemakers criticize such little insignificant things? I do. In the midst of great blessings and incredible miracles, the Pharisees and a few of the scribes found fault with the Lord’s disciples over the practice of handwashing. This was not merely washing their hands before it was time to eat. It was in keeping with their oral tradition of handwashing being done in a particular fashion before eating. I want to stand firmly upon Scripture. I want be absolutely true to doctrine. I want to be a man of firm conviction. But I also want to ask the Lord to please keep me from becoming a fault-finding Pharisee as I grow older. How will this play out in your life?
For today: I want the Lord to keep me from becoming a Pharisee. Fault-finding is never as good as being faithful.