”And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound. And he was angry, and would not go in” (Luke 15:27-28).
You will remember the account of the prodigal son who highly insulted his father by demanding his share of the inheritance right now. He wasted his inheritance with wicked living. Finally when his funds ran out (as did his friends!) the prodigal repents and returns home where he is forgiven and the celebration of his return takes place. Meanwhile coming in from working in the fields, the older son wants to know what all the party sounds are about? The answer is given and does the older son/brother light up with the hot emotion of anger. He is furious. We will think more about this tomorrow. However for now, we need to beware. Undealt with anger is not only sinful it is destructive.
For today: Lord, please help me to guard my heart from anger. Anger always brings about hurt.