“The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the LORD; but He loveth him that followeth after righteousness” (Proverbs 15:9).
Today is a day that many Americans remember as a day of tragedy in the life of our country. Fourteen years ago today a group of radical Islamic terrorists commandeered four airplanes. Of course two of these crashed into the World Trade buildings, the third into the Pentagon, and the fourth into an empty field in Pennsylvania. Many of us can remember exactly where we were when we first heard of the terrible attack. Make no mistake about it. These terrorists were wicked people. It seems to me that the wickedness of this world is exploding. For me personally, I want to mark this day by praying for the families who lost loved ones, for our country, and for our leaders. Oh how each of them need the Lord. I am grateful also for the grace of our Lord Jesus and His holiness.
For today: I am so glad that I belong to the Lord. How about you?