“O LORD of Hosts, blessed is the man that trusts in Thee” (Psalm 84:12).
I was a young pastor when this happened to me many years ago. It was so impressive that I have never have forgotten it and have always remembered what he said to me. I had the joy of leading him in asking the Lord Jesus to be his Savior while he was a patient in one of the local hospitals. He was so happy to hear the gospel and told me, “I can’t tell you how happy I am to know the Lord Jesus is my Savior. I have been waiting for someone to tell me how I can know the Lord.” Several days later he died. It has been my joy throughout the many years of ministry to see others making that decision to trust the Lord Jesus alone for their salvation. The word “blessed” has to do with the “special gladness or happiness that comes from having our confidence in God.” Do you know the Lord as your personal Savior? There is a special blessedness as you trust Him today.
For today: Trust the Lord to be your Savior. You’ll be glad you did!