“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19:14).
Mrs. Henderson taught her Sunday school class of children the wonderful truths of Psalm 19:14. Though she had a full Sunday school classroom, she captured their attention by asking them to help her with the lesson. Every time she explained the importance of their words, the boys and girls were to point to their tongues. Every time she talked to them about the importance of what they think about, they were to point to their heads. It was a fun lesson as well as a really practical lesson. Several of the parents stopped her on the way home from services that Sunday morning, and they thanked her for the lesson and shared with her how their children continued to point to their tongues and to their heads throughout the service. It was a great day. As Mrs. Henderson was driving home from Sunday services that day, a careless driver cut her off, forcing her to slam on the brakes of her car and swerve to miss the other driver. As she collected herself, she smiled because although she expected that she would be tried this week with the lesson she had taught, she hadn’t expected it quite this soon. How about you? How are your words and meditations doing these days?
For today: Lord, you know that I need help with the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart in order for them to be acceptable to You. I suspect some of my friends will need the same help from You.