Karen Wanted You To Know This! Update March 21, 2016
This morning we awakened with the reassuring thought of how many hundreds of folks shared with us that they would be praying for her this morning. We know that no one enjoys drinking barium for a CT scan. No one! But those who have a gag reflex like Karen will understand that even going to the dentist and reclining in the dental chair causes her to gag. So we knew that early morning on an empty stomach Karen could easily have significant trouble.
At the time appointed to begin drinking the “Barium Smoothie” as the manufacturer called it, I prayed with her once again and reminded her that many were praying. Just as I finished praying with her one of our children texted just to tell us that he loves us. We are so grateful for the sweet reminders that we have received today. I will let Karen tell you the rest.
“I want to thank everyone for their prayers. Not only was I able to drink the container of barium, I discovered that when I got to the imaging center, I had to drink another half container. I didn’t know about that ahead of time. But I sensed your prayers and the Lord helped me to drink the other container without gagging. Thank you! Thank you for your prayers. “
Karen and I cannot begin to tell you how you much your prayers and friendship mean to us. Sometimes the technicians have trouble getting the IV started before the CT scan can begin. But today the IV went in with little difficulty. The barium was consumed! Now we wait for the results on Thursday. As I was writing this update, two Jehovah Witnesses came to my door. What a great opportunity I had to share the gospel with them. As my testimony continued my heart just ached for them. They are zealous; but so zealously lost. I asked him if he knew what John 14:6 stated. He had no idea. Quickly the poor man fumbled for his smart phone and read the first part of the verse to me. I asked him to read the last part. “No man comes to the Father; but by me” (John 14:6b) declares the Lord Jesus.
In the midst of some of the most difficult days Karen is facing, there is the certainty of Heaven and eternity with the Lord and the redeemed of all the ages (John 14:1-3). Thank you so much for your prayers and your incredible fellowship on this journey on which Karen and I are traveling.