“How Do We Begin to Thank You for Your Prayers?”
An Update on My Karen for Friday March 17th, 2017
Someday I will write the follow-up to dealing with disappointments. Several of you stated that you are waiting for them because of upcoming teaching opportunities you have. I haven’t forgotten. However the course of our lives has taken a very major and abrupt change. I can tell you very honestly that it is the assurance of the Lord’s control and His direction that has been our strength and focus.
The cancer that Karen has is noted for the awful, awful fluid that it produces. Now that she no longer has any chemotherapy medications that could fight the cancer, the fluid production is just terribly out of control. In just a few days she has gained twenty pounds and over three inches to her waist line. She could not endure much more. So this afternoon at 2:30 she will have a permanent catheter inserted in her abdominal region. Nurses typically will drain this at our home. I will also be trained how to do the draining for days when they are not here in our home.
Tomorrow morning the folks from hospice will officially take over the medical care of my sweetheart. We want Karen to be able to be home for the rest of her life. The wonderful folks from hospice already have a game plan set up for her which will include pain medication and everything to make her life as comfortable as possible. Our family will be coming and going to see their mom and grandmother as they are able to do. This is a very special for us.
Because there was a specific time in her life that she by faith placed her trust in the Lord Jesus alone to be her Savior, Karen knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is on her way to Heaven. The thoughts of seeing the Lord and being reunited with her family who have gone before are really special to her. I mean REALLY special. For years Karen has held an open Bible, often used flannel graph or pictures, and taught boys and girls how to know the Lord Jesus personally and how to love Him. Her gifted teaching has held boys and girls spellbound on the edge of their seats as they learn to believe what the Bible teaches and love the Lord God and follow Him. Soon she will have the privilege of seeing Him face to face.
So many have written and asked what is happening. This is about what we know dear friends. We need your prayers. Some are asking how I am doing. I tend to “leak a little” around the eyelids. But it is because I am old and old cars and old men tend to be leaky.