“Karen’s Notes!
Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady”
Selected Notes
Volume 1 Number 19 “The Heart’s Attitude” August 15, 2018
I knew that Psalm 100 was one of Karen’s favorite Psalms. Then recently I was reading through her Bible study journal and discovered that she had underlined Psalm 100:2 and had written the following. I am happy to share the Psalm as well as her notes.
“Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing” (Psalm 100:2).
Karen’s notes: Serving the Lord with gladness is an attitude of the heart. As I serve there should be sweetness and sensitivity in my life if I am to count for Christ. I believe that Christ’s return is upon us. We belong to the King. I want to be found faithfully serving Him in my home, church and community.
Michael’s observation: As a dad, it was a joy to me when my children helped without whining and complaining about the task. Parents as well as those nearby can rather easily see the attitude of the child by his or her actions. Karen not only wanted to serve, she wanted to serve with gladness. So do I. How about you?