“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given” (Isaiah 9:6a).
“Imagine that it is your birthday,” the youth pastor said. “There’s going to be a big celebration in honor of the fact that it is your birthday. Everyone is sending cards to each other, and money is being spent like crazy on gifts. Parties are taking place in honor of your birthday. The big day comes, but some of the parties are not pleasing to you, and often, your name is not even mentioned or considered. All the gifts are opened, and you once again are not even mentioned. The big day comes and goes, and you are left out. How would you feel?” he asked. Silence filled the youth room for a few moments. The young people looked at each other, and then finally Caroline spoke up. “This is exactly what I’ve been doing, Pastor Jim. So how do we change this?” Caroline asked. We’ll pick it up right here tomorrow. But let me get us thinking. It is the time of the year that we especially honor the Lord’s incarnation. What does this mean to you?
For today: I want to especially honor the Lord this year. I’ll share more about this tomorrow. I hope that this is your goal as well.