“Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).
Harvey was a likeable enough fellow. His personality was pleasant, and he quickly endeared people to himself. No one could ever think of a time that he had offended anyone. He was faithful in church and faithful to his marriage and family. There was something, however, about Harvey that everyone knew, and to be honest, this particular thing brought more than one smile to the face of his friends and more than a little bit of frustration at times in his home. Do you want to know what it was? Good old Harvey started many projects and hobbies but seldom seemed to finish any of them. His very large shed was filled with half-finished projects. From his hobbies of art work to lawn mower repair, Harvey was great at beginning with enthusiasm and never finishing before he became bored and was on to something else. Aren’t you glad that the Lord is not like that at all? He has begun a good work in us through His grace and what the Lord Jesus did for us to become our Savior. He has promised that throughout our lifetime He will hold us securely and work consistently to fully accomplish His great purpose in redemption for us. Someday we will meet the Lord Jesus face-to-face. We will see the evidence in a personal and profound way of how the Lord fully accomplished His work of grace. I can hardly wait! How about you?
For today: Aren’t you glad that the Lord has promised to perform His good work in us? How will this impact your life today?