“And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, ‘Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it’” (Numbers 13:30).
Caleb was quite a man. I am looking forward to meeting him and talking with him someday in Heaven. The children of Israel were camped in the wilderness and just about ready to go into the land. Unfortunately ten of the spies gave a bad report. Only Joshua and Caleb gave a report of faith and trust in the Lord. Caleb stilled the people who were reacting to the negative report. They were causing quite a commotion. Caleb urged the congregation to move forward and trust God. Sadly, the children of Israel didn’t listen. It makes me wonder how I respond to obstacles that I face. I want to be a Caleb in my trust and devotion to God. More tomorrow!
For today: We trust the same God Caleb trusted. We are “well able” to do whatever the Lord instructs us to do today.