“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29).
Jim became the new manager of the 5-15 Engineering Division of the company. Forty-two people would be employed under his direct supervision. Jim had been with the company for many years, and several of the people that would now work for him knew him before his salvation conversion. Before Jim came to know Christ as Savior, he was a foul-mouthed man that no one really wanted to be around. The change was dramatic, and it came very soon after Jim trusted Christ as his Savior. Mary Lou stopped by his office and congratulated him on his new appointment. She asked, “Jim, may I ask you a really personal question?” Looking up from his keyboard, Jim stood and invited Mary Lou into his office. “Here, Mary Lou, have a seat. Of course you can ask me anything,” Jim continued. Though she was hesitant she asked, “What has changed you so dramatically, Jim? There is an obvious difference, and I doubt that it was because you were being considered for management. I know this is company time and you might not want to talk about this at all. But you have changed so much that I simply had to ask you about it,” Mary Lou said. Jim smiled and said to her, “I can tell you a Person by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ has changed my life. Why don’t you and your husband come on over and join my wife and me for a cookout. I would love to tell you more about my Savior Who changed me completely, took away my corrupt mouth, and gave me a whole new direction in life.”
For today: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in the Lord’s sight.