“Take my yoke upon you” (Matthew 11:29a).
The yoke is an expression that we in the United States know very little about. Years ago Karen and I were in the Philippines for several weeks. I was preaching in conferences for missionaries, local churches and a Bible college. On one of our trips, we witnessed an impressive sight. A Filipino farmer was driving two huge water buffalo. They were harnessed together by a large wooden yoke. This kept them in pace with each other and going in the same direction. When the Lord Jesus talks about “My yoke,” He is sharing with us His blessed intention. He not only wants us to come to Him; He desires to direct our lives. I am so glad that I am not in charge of my life. Gladly I get in the yoke with Him daily as I trust His wisdom and direction for my life.
For Today: There is no better place to be than in the yoke with the Lord Jesus! Enjoy the pace He sets for your life today.