“Beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God” (Deuteronomy 8:11).
The second generation of the children of Israel wandered in the desert because their parents rebelled against the Lord. Now it was time for them to enter the land promised to them. Danger lay ahead. Far greater danger awaited them in the Promised Land than they had faced in the desert. In the desert they needed to trust God to provide for them every day. But in the glorious real estate that awaited them, they would become prosperous. They would eat and be filled. They would live in beautiful surroundings. There would be an abundance of water and vegetation. Life would become much easier in the land than in the desert. Therein the danger lay. It would be easy for them to forget the LORD their God. We can see the evidence of such forgetting today. May it never be said of us!
For today: I want to be especially mindful of the Lord. He has blessed us richly.