“And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of Hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory. Then said I, Woe is me! For I am undone” (Isaiah 6:3, 5).
Before us is one of the most dramatic and breathtaking accounts in the entire Old Testament. Isaiah was granted a revelation of the holy and awesome worship taking place in Heaven. The Seraphim cried out in a holy, endless symphony of praise and adoration before the throne of God. He alone is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY! Immediately Isaiah viewed himself as “undone.” This is the Hebrew word damah which means “to be cut off, to perish.” This is absolutely dramatic. God reassured Isaiah that He had taken care of his sin. We will look at this scene a little more tomorrow. Right now, the tremendous lesson for us is that the closer we grow to the Lord, the more we will see who we really are, and the more we will appreciate His grace. Oh how great is our awesome Lord. He indeed is holy!
For today: I see myself for what I am and it makes me worship the Lord and give thanks for His grace!