“Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of Hosts” (Isaiah 6:5).
Isaiah is given a vision of our glorious Lord. He gives us an account of this situation in Isaiah chapter six. It is powerful as Isaiah describes the ceaseless worship of the Seraphim, who are crying out to one another of the holiness of God as they stand above the throne with their majestic wings that cover their faces, their feet and with which they fly. There Isaiah was given a glimpse of the throne of God. I am a man of limited words to describe this absolute, total, overwhelming, and majestic scene. Immediately upon seeing this sight, Isaiah responds with an honest view of himself. The holiness of God, when honestly thought about, still does this to us today. The more we learn about the Lord, the more we see how terrible our sin really is, and we rejoice in the grace of God extended to us. That’s what happened to Rebecca that morning. As a fourteen-year-old, she was quietly reading her Bible. Up in her room, seated beside the front window of their home, she was reading through the book of Isaiah when she came upon chapter six. As she read, the clouds moved in such a way to make the sunlight stream down upon the portion where she read of the holiness of her God. Immediately she sensed the sinfulness of herself. Mom walked past her door and stopped to see tears streaming down the cheeks of her daughter. “Oh Mom, why would our holy God love someone like me?” Rebecca asked. Her very wise mother came in, hugged her daughter and simply said, “Because He chose to, my sweetheart. Because He chose to.”
For today: How awesome is our God. How amazing His grace!