“Let him that stole steal no more: bur rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth” (Ephesians 4:28).
Don and the group from First Baptist Church really enjoyed going to the rescue mission every month. The church group enjoyed meeting the nearly twenty-five men each month who assembled for the chapel service of music, testimonies, and a brief devotional message. Often there didn’t appear to be any response to the gospel invitation until the night James gave his testimony. In part of his five minute testimony he said, “I want to tell you about the change Christ has made in my life. My life was wrecked by alcohol and drugs. I stole every day to support my habit. Then I got caught. I surely picked the wrong house to burglarize. I was burglarizing the home of a police officer when she returned to catch me in the middle of the act. I was sent away for nearly eight years. But men, I want you to know that I attended the prison chapel services, and there a faithful chaplain preached the Word of God and shared how Christ died for my sin and rose again. He told me that Christ could forgive me of my sins and change my life.” Then James continued without looking at the folded paper with his notes. He clearly and passionately spoke. “Men, I know this to be true. Christ changes lives. I once was a burglar who robbed others for my living. Now I work willingly with my hands and am happy to share with others. Only the Lord can produce this in the life of a former burglar.” There were several decisions that night in the rescue mission. How about you? Aren’t you glad that the Lord Jesus saved you and changed your life?
For today: Live the changed life before others, not so that you will look good, but so that the power of your Savior will be unmistakable!